3+ dimensional array deep cloning fails
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 2 comments
CMDHELPER-3054 - Reported by PseudoKnight
@a = array(array(array(0)));
@b = @a[];
@b[0][0][0] = 1;
# output is 1
This doesn't fail with 2 dimensional arrays.
In testing this we also discovered an issue when the array is imported. If @A was imported. Then if it was imported again in another script, sometimes it would output 1 immediately. Sometimes only a cloned array of @A would output 1, which is strange. Not sure if they're related or not.
Comment by Pieter12345
This might not be a fundamental fix, but you can use this function in MethodScript to clone a multi-dimensional array properly:
Comment by Pieter12345
This has been fixed in: