player_craft event
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments
CMDHELPER-3071 - Reported by bexco2010
in commandhelper, player_pre_craft event was exist,
but player_craft event wasn't exist.
and lots of events is not exists,
for example:
FurnaceBurnEvent, FurnaceSmeltEvent,
please make it!
Comment by PseudoKnight
"Add all non-existing events" is not a helpful item in a tracker. I encourage you to keep each new issue to one enhancement/bug at a time.
I'm going to take this as a request for player_craft, an interface for the CraftItemEvent in Bukkit. My understanding is that since this extends InventoryClickEvent, you can already do this by prefiltering for the RESULT slottype in inventory_click.