Problem with player_move and vehicle_move
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 10 comments
CMDHELPER-2790 - Reported by MariuszT
Both events fired only when there are minimum two binds in code to those events.
Example, first version:
bind (vehicle_move, null, array(threshold: 3, vehicletype: 'MINECART', passengertype: 'PLAYER'), @event,
msg('event 1')
bind (vehicle_move, null, array(threshold: 3, vehicletype: 'MINECART', passengertype: 'PLAYER'), @event,
msg('event 2')
Everything is ok, there are two messages, "event 1" and "event 2". But when we try to delete one bind:
bind (vehicle_move, null, array(threshold: 3, vehicletype: 'MINECART', passengertype: 'PLAYER'), @event,
msg('event 1')
There will be no message. Event isn't fired.
Comment by MariuszT
I showed examples. What else do you need? You tested it?
Comment by EntityReborn
I'm looking into this now. It seems that the prefilters might be bugged.
Comment by EntityReborn
Ok, the issue here is currently the {{threshold}} prefilter is bugged. I'll talk with LadyCailin on how to fix this, but for now, if you omit the {{threshold}} prefilter, your code will run as desired.
Comment by cartman-2000
I can confirm of the threshold prefilter bug, anything above 1 generally doesn't fire unless the player is moving very fast or teleports that distance.