Strange error
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 5 comments
CMDHELPER-2791 - Reported by MariuszT
Here is a example:
This code produce java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on startup:
Sometimes two asigments to null, line after line, also produce error but I can't find some usefuel example.
Comment by EntityReborn
First off, that code makes no sense. {{die()}} will immediately kill that script there, the null assignments are never hit. Also, that first traceback seems to do with creating MSAs, and unrelated.
Comment by MariuszT
It's just an example. The problem is not in logic but in syntax parser. It's not problem with MSA file. Use my code in any part of CH and you will see stacktrace.
Comment by EntityReborn
If you can provide a complete code example that will reproduce this, that will be very helpful. I added your two assignments as in the original post to, and that did not reproduce any error. Please re-verify that this is happening.
Comment by MariuszT
Can you test it again? Add this code on top of your config.txt file. I just tested it on last build (#2452) and there is still the same error after startup.