CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


New IC type suggestions for variables and messaging

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 0 comments


CRAFTBOOK-3245 - Reported by uberifix

I have a couple ideas for new IC's to further expand the variable and messaging features in craftbook

'''Message IC's'''

  • Message Sender

For messaging there is currently only [ MC1510]

There can be other message senders for Action bar, Title and Subtitle text that act the same way as the message sender currently works

  • Holo Text

With invisible armour stands you can currently give them custom names and make the names visible for a floating text effect. With an IC there could be holographic text displays that display variables, and can have the position customised with offsets.

  • Message Interceptor

The opposite of a message sender, there could be message interceptors that emit a redstone signal if a message is detected in chat by a specific player, by anyone or in an area. Additional settings could also allow the message to go through to global chat or to be intercepted.

Also if possible chat messages could be found with wildcards and could be cast into a variable. (Possibly similar to perlstone ics to allow for more customization)

'''Variable IC's'''

Current VAR IC's are [ VAR100],[ VAR170], and [ VAR200]

These IC's are currently very limited.

VAR100 can do add, subtract, divide, multiply and modulus operations on variables.

VAR170 can check if a variable is greater than another variable

VAR200 can add the number of items in a chest to a variable

Variable signs can be added or modified to add the following functionality:

  • Set variables

Set variables to a constant value (can be used for example to reset a temporary 'holding' variable back to 0 or to set another variable to the value of a temp variable)

  • Compare variables

Further ways to compare variables than 170 can currently do

Integers - Greater than, Less Than, Equal to, Between

Strings - Contains, Starts with, Ends with

  • Additonal random ideas:

Get variable from named items in inv or chest

Set item names in chest or inv from variable

Get variable from nearby player name