Midi's do not play
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments
CRAFTBOOK-3249 - Reported by Pri
When trying to play a midi file from the folder it doesn't play giving generic instrument errors in the console like below:
{{[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: Exception in thread "Java Sound Sequencer"
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: NOTE_BASS
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sk89q.craftbook.util.jinglenote.bukkit.BukkitJingleNotePlayer.toSound(BukkitJingleNotePlayer.java:47)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sk89q.craftbook.util.jinglenote.bukkit.BukkitJingleNotePlayer.play(BukkitJingleNotePlayer.java:26)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sk89q.craftbook.util.jinglenote.MidiJingleSequencer$1.send(MidiJingleSequencer.java:136)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractMidiDevice$TransmitterList.sendMessage(Unknown Source)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractMidiDevice$TransmitterList.sendMessage(Unknown Source)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sun.media.sound.RealTimeSequencer$DataPump.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sun.media.sound.RealTimeSequencer$DataPump.pump(Unknown Source)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at com.sun.media.sound.RealTimeSequencer$PlayThread.run(Unknown Source)
[15:15:17] [Java Sound Sequencer/WARN]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)}}
I believe the error may be due to Mojang changing the names of sounds in 1.9 or something? I don't know. But it doesn't work under Spigot version 1.11-R0.1-SNAPSHOT F950f8e-655d840 which is 4 versions behind as of this post (updated a few days ago).
I'm also testing with the latest stable craftbook from the spigot page, version number 3.9u12
Comment by Pri
Thank you wizjany, I tried the latest development build as instructed and it works perfectly now.
Comment by me4502
That's been changed for a very long time, CraftBook 3.9u12 is only a few builds old. You must've been using a much older version.
Comment by Pri
I honestly downloaded the one on the main page here: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/craftbook.2083/
I shutdown the server entirely, put the plugin file in, verified it was the only one in there, and it doesn't work. I even re-downloaded it just now and it broke again straight away. But the latest one from the dev build page, works fine.. very odd?