CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Player detector causing damage

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments


CRAFTBOOK-3286 - Reported by [email protected]

I have created an IC Player detector to open a gate for players in the group 'Member' and it works just as I had hoped. Or at least I thought it did, players in the group Member get the door opened for them but they also receive damage whilst in the detection radius.

Any ideas? Is it a bug or something I haven't configured?


Comment by me4502

Can you please provide a screenshot of the IC


Comment by [email protected]

My error. When getting a screenshot it told me it was a 'Player Trap' so I missed typed 1279 instead of 1272. Which by coincidence (when I looked at the IC list on the Wiki) happens to use a radius and a pin output but with the added effect of causing the damage we were experiencing.

Thank you for the response.


Comment by me4502

Thought that was the case, glad it's sorted :)