CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Gatte, Bridge;xpstorer not work

eyebrawl123 opened this issue ยท 3 comments



CraftBook version:5.0
Bukkit version:
This server is running Paper version git-Paper-684 (MC: 1.16.5) (Implementing API version 1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
You are 4 version(s) behind
Previous version: git-Paper-675 (MC: 1.16.5)

unfortunately some things no longer work after an update to craftbook 5.0. (Bridge, gate, xpstorer)
I tried the following: / cb mech list ... none of the functions are displayed there

/ cb mech enable gate (not a valid mechanic type: gate

Can someone explain to me step by step how I can get these mechanics working again?


This is not a bug, these mechanics have not been ported over to CraftBook 5 yet.

See the pins in the Discord for more information.


Thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunately I cannot find any further information on CB5.0. are you planning to implement these functions again? If so, roughly when?


The information is available in the pins of the CraftBook channel of the Discord.

As for when - most of these features depend on changes to both WorldEdit and Paper, so I cannot give ETAs.