Minecart Vehicles : Dispenser
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 7 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2206 - Reported by Dark_Arc
i build a dispenser like this video :
i use dispenser-block: 20
and dispenser did not spawn a minecart
minecarts already inside chest, single and stack
and he did not collect minecart when it contact the chest
config: "minecart-dispensers: true"
-- Originally added by Leroy
Comment by Tribun1988
In current craftbook beta build (3.5 Beta 4 - released yesterday) i am still not able to build working dispensers.
max-boost-block: '41:0'
25x-boost-block: '14:0'
50x-slow-block: '88:0'
20x-slow-block: '13:0'
reverse-block: '35:0'
station-block: '49:0'
sort-block: '87:0'
eject-block: '42:0'
deposit-block: '15:0'
teleport-block: '133:0'
lift-block: '112:0'
dispenser-block: '129:0'
messager-block: '121:0'
enter-on-impact: false
slow-when-empty: true
decay-when-empty: false
remove-on-exit: false
remove-entities: false
remove-entities-othercarts: false
max-speed-modifier: 1.0
off-rail-speed-modifier: 0.0
track-messages: true
decay-time: 20
constant-speed: 0.0
powered-rail-modifier: 0.0
item-pickup-collision: false
dispensers: true
I triple-checked wiki, configuration and several youtube videos.
Can someone confirm its working and just my configuration mistake?!
Best Regards
Comment by Tribun1988
the rails are in a circuit. I placed the chest on top of an emerald ore (bock id 129). 2 blocks later there is an station- and booster-block (both working perfectly).
Even tried different locations of the chest because the wiki is some kind of weird on that point.
The minecarts are neither "suspensed" nor dispensed.
Attached a screenshot of my current build.
Best Regards and thanks in advance
Comment by me4502
Isn't the chest supposed to go under the rails?
Edit: According to the code, the chest can be placed under the rails (if the block id is 53), or else... beside the emerald ore block.
Comment by Tribun1988
so if i place the chest under the emerald ore nothing happens. The cart just drives over the rails on the emerald-ore up to the station.
And it is not possible to put rails on top of chests so they cannot be put directly under the rails.
is there something important on the direction of the chest?
The dispenser sign below the "emerald-ore" block is only necessary for dispensing direction?
I still don't get it :-(
Comment by me4502
Not under the emerald ore... and you can place rails on chests... you place it beside the emerald ore