Entity Cannon IC
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 8 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2214 - Reported by Dark_Arc
Entity Cannon IC. Shoots entity that stands on it at a set velocity.
-- Originally added by Me4502
Comment by leponder
Weird, tells me "Unknown IC detected" when I try and make one.
EDIT: Nevermind, forgot to update :3
Comment by me4502
Thats a bukkit issuse, you need to update bukkit.
If you have and it still does that, it is a issue with how you are using it.
Comment by leponder
Was going to suggest this but see someone already did :)
Basically http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/CraftBook/MC1224 + http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/CraftBook/MC1218
adding ability to set direction/velocity for the time bomb IC, to create compact TNT cannons.
Comment by MUDcraft
The Advanced Entity Spawner MC1227 already does this and a great deal more.
You need the center and left signs. The AES uses up to 3 signs but to launch TNT you only need two.
The center sign you set up with [MC1227] on the second line and 'PrimedTnt' as the entity on line 3.
Add the left sign and add 'v:x,y,z' (example - v:1,3,5) to the first line of the sign.
This makes it faster only having to edit one line of one sign to change the trajectory.
Can also be used to launch well armed and armored mobs, or if you really want to be sadistic, launch chickens at them.