OverLag in the CraftBookCircuits
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 9 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2229 - Reported by Bob
I it a test in the server with a plugin name Nolagg for a monitor of the plugins. I see your plugin is 1352.234 ms in 500 ticks. So yup.
Here the info what is lag in the plugin of CraftBookCircuits:
Name: CraftBookCircuits
Time: 1352.234 ms in 500 ticks (2.704 ms/tick average)
Event count: 7
Task count: 1
Task name: Task #2
Time: 1325.532 ms in 500 ticks (2.651 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicClock
Event name: ChunkUnloadEvent[HIGHEST]
Time: 23.287 ms in 500 ticks (0.047 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: class com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicListenerAdapter$MechanicWorldListener
Event name: PlayerInteractEvent[HIGHEST]
Time: 1.445 ms in 500 ticks (0.0030 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: class com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicListenerAdapter$MechanicPlayerListener
Event name: BlockPhysicsEvent[HIGHEST]
Time: 0.22 ms in 500 ticks (0.0 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: class com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicListenerAdapter$MechanicBlockListener
Event name: BlockBreakEvent[HIGHEST]
Time: 1.042 ms in 500 ticks (0.0020 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: class com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicListenerAdapter$MechanicBlockListener
Event name: SignChangeEvent[HIGHEST]
Time: 0.045 ms in 500 ticks (0.0 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: class com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicListenerAdapter$MechanicBlockListener
Event name: BlockRedstoneEvent[HIGHEST]
Time: 0.0 ms in 500 ticks (0.0 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: class com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicListenerAdapter$MechanicBlockListener
Event name: ChunkLoadEvent[HIGHEST]
Time: 0.663 ms in 500 ticks (0.0010 ms/tick average)
Plugin: CraftBookCircuits
Location: class com.sk89q.craftbook.bukkit.MechanicListenerAdapter$MechanicWorldListener
My Craftbook is 3.3.5 #1195
My Craftbukkit is 1.4.2-R0.2 Build #02455
Comment by me4502
That is actually not that long... And this isn't very helpful to fixing lag. CPU Profiling is the best way for us to fix any lag issues.
Comment by Bob
Here the CPU Profiling of NoLagg. Here the Photo: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16158672/the%20bug.JPG
Comment by me4502
That is actually not very long at all... But I meant actual CPU Profiling from something like jvisualvm or something.
Comment by Tehbeard
Given that 1 tick = 50ms, that works out maybe ~4% total time spent on a tick.
I've seen much worse from simpler plugins.
Comment by me4502
But it is asynchronous I believe, so it shouldnt matter anyway. (Task 2 that is)
Comment by me4502
Also that is the thing that manages each Self Triggered IC. They run every 2 ticks... So depending on how many you have is how long this'll take.
Comment by Bob
I'm sorry but I can not give more info at NoLagg plugin. Because my server is hosting to beastnode.com is not a VPS Server.