CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Bonemeal terraformer to grow trees and other plants

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 10 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2237 - Reported by kaitoyuuki

I feel that the bonemeal terraformer should also work on any plants that are within its radius, not just to grow flowers and tall grass. It should grow saplings as well as the various crops.


Comment by me4502

It does grow all the crops (not potato and carrot yet) but I will add them and the trees eventually.


Comment by me4502



Comment by cravin4candy

I tried to use the Bonemeal Terraformer to grow saplings and adjust it's radius... neither seemed to have worked :(


Comment by me4502

What version were you using?


Comment by cravin4candy

Hrm.. it says Version 1300-f6a5393?


Comment by me4502

Hmm... That's 3.3.8... So are you sure saplings definitely don't work? If you had somewhere and had nothing but the sapling available... Would it still take bonemeal?


Comment by cravin4candy

Yeah.. I decided to make a platform of just one piece of grass with nothing but a sapling planted, with no other spots for the bonemeal to grow anything BUT the sapling. It took the bonemeal, but nothing happened to the sapling


Comment by MUDcraft

As of 1323-a346e7e here are the results of testing.
I believe the list is exhaustive.

Saplings were tested by ensuring that the terraformer was on, but had no available block on which to use bonemeal. This uniquely identifies the sapling planted as the target of the bonemeal used by the terraformer.
This was confirmed by observing that bonemeal was not being used from the chest.
A single sapling of a tree type was planted and it was observed that bonemeal was then being used from the chest, but that the sapling was not induced to become a tree.
The terraformer was then shut off, and bonemeal was applied manually to doublecheck the eligibility of the sapling to become a tree.
An additional test confirmed that 2x2 junglewood trees also did not respond.
In each case the saplings grew when bonemeal was applied manually, but not when the terraformer was applying the bonemeal.


Comment by MUDcraft

Lilly pads spawn on flowing water. Not actually broken but not actually helpful either since it uses up bonemeal during hydraulic harvest.
workaround... turn the terraformer off during harvest.

This might actually be an interesting feature rather than a minor bug. Automation of harvest would require a bit more planning than just turning on the water. Dunno. I'm of a mind that something awesome like this ought to have a balancing weakness or limitation. You might disagree so I thought I'd mention it.


Comment by me4502

I wanted it to be a... Semi uncontrollable method of growing EVERYTHING in the area, so the Lilly pads adds to the feel of its not a localized growing... It grows everything. So I agree about the limitation thing