MC0220 - Block Break (Above) ST
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 7 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2254 - Reported by cravin4candy
I created something that has a piston and pushes blocks down onto the block with this IC attached. While it works fine when I place the block directly on top myself, it does NOT work when the block gets pushed onto it by the piston. The block disappears, but the item doesn't fly out from the sign like it should :(
Was this intentional? Or a bug? Either way, Thank you for your time! :D
Comment by cravin4candy
Nope, still not working :( We just updated our server to the latest version and it's still broken.
Comment by cravin4candy
MC0221 does it as well. Doesn't like when pistons push blocks onto it. It makes disappear, but doesn't spit anything back out. Same with MC0220.