MC1222 Liquid Flood possible bug or feature suggestion
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2272 - Reported by MUDcraft
The line 4 parameter appears to act as a range with valid values from 2-16 for a cuboid area with the IC at the center.
It doesn't appear to use x:y:z syntax and doesn't appear to have an offset value.
If this is correct function as written, I suggest a feature change that allows selecting the liquid, the individual extents and the relative offset while retaining backward compatibility.
Line 3 -
Default: 'water' or 'lava'
Optional: ,<offset(x:y:z)> (8,10:2:3) with (8,2) being interpreted as water 'y' offset +2.
Valid values for offset -16 to 16 to prevent remote flooding further than the adjacent chunk.
Line 4 -
Default: With valid values (1-16), but with the size defaulting to 0 rather than 16 to prevent mishap due to a misconfigured sign.
Optional: <x:y:z> a switch 'r:' to use a spherical radius with valid size value/2 rather than a cuboid.