CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Door must be made entirely out of the same material

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2279 - Reported by joy

Just recently got informed by players they can't create Doors/Bridges. Not sure how long this has been broken, for us at least.

The error we all get is: Door must be made entirely out of the same material!

And yes, clearly we can manage a door, even made the exact example door, purely cobble, sign on top and bottom, still that error.


Comment by me4502

Your either using a dev build of CraftBook or bukkit. Either use the latest dev build of both, or use latest release of CraftBook and beta release of bukkit (1.4.5-R0.2)


Comment by joy

I'm pretty much always running a very recent Dev build of both (max a few days old)...


Comment by me4502

Update both to latest to fix the issue then

In a dev build of bukkit, they made a change that broke heaps. We had to recode a bit of CraftBook, which fixed this issue for new bukkit... But created it for the old one. So you need either both stable or both dev build