CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


MC1234 Planter

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 10 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2281 - Reported by MUDcraft

Craftbook build 1350

While the planter definitely works, it plants only exactly and only the block set in the relative offset defined in line 4.
It doesn't behave as the center point of a range to be offset from the IC block but as a range of one block only offset by line 4. If 0:0:1 is set in line 4 then the block +1 in 'z' will be planted only.

'y' offset does not appear to work in x:y:z format.
Planting does not occur at all if only a 'y' value is entered

The seed is also left on the ground in front of the sign and can be recovered after planting has already occurred.


Comment by MUDcraft

Server log errors following WE update to 1305-3f1a2bf
On use of the MC1234 Planter block
No errors evident at console.


Comment by MUDcraft

The MC1234 is behaving nearly this same way on your server with the exception that the 'y' offset is working.
I think this may be due to your 'y' offset being 4 and mine being 7. Is there an elevation limit?


Comment by me4502

No... But it needs to point at the block you want to be crops, so an air block above farmland. Also what bukkit you using?


Comment by MUDcraft

Okay, got this figured out. The range is 6 blocks, and I think you mentioned that, but it's not 6 blocks from the sign, it's 6 blocks from the block that is defined by the offset.
If you have an elevation of 7, throwing seeds at the sign won't work. Throw seeds at the targeted block or anywhere near the targeted block and it works.

That at least gives you a starting point for finding where the detection range is being misapplied.

Blocks around the offset block aren't planted unless you remake the sign to target a different block.


Comment by MUDcraft

bukkit build 2514


Comment by me4502

It's done like that because, that way tou can auto replant the seeds when it's harvested by water as the seeds are right there... If you want to do it from the sign, use a chest above the IC.


Comment by MUDcraft

huh... I never thought of the water harvesting aspect. That's a pretty cool idea, but I think that if the seeds plant during a hydraulic harvest, the water would wash the sprouts off and wash the seeds away.

I moved mine up within 4 blocks of the surface and it works, but it is only planting just the block that is targeted, not a range of blocks. Is that correct function? What am I missing?

I also put a chest above it and it doesn't appear to plant from the chest. IS there a different syntax for line 3 or 4 for the chest because I don't recall that.


Comment by me4502

The chest has not yet been implemented. It will be done so soon.

Edit. Done. (also radius support)


Comment by MUDcraft

build 1365
Chest support works (wheat seeds tested) and offset values work, bit 'x' seems to be 'x+1'.


Comment by MUDcraft

Planting stalls the block after 0:y:0...

It plants up to the point where it has just planted the block directly above, and then stops.
It appeared to move previously when I moved the planter IC and I wasn't looking for this information, so I didn't recognize what had happened, so I was wrong about it stopping at an arbitrary block.
It's specifically the block directly above the planter sign that stops it half-way in the field.