CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Detailed test of various ICs with ICdocs notes

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 7 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2287 - Reported by MUDcraft

Both initiated and ST versions tested.

MC1235 and MC0235 (radius is broken, ST wil not NOT)

ICdocs for both:
line 3 'radius'
line 4 blank

Tested using both a value of '4' and '4=0:8:0' at -8y elevation.
Radius does not appear to work in either case and 'x' and 'z' values for the later also produce no results.

The behavior of the IC is to always cultivate a (radius 10-1) 19x19 area centered on the IC regardless of the radius set.

I suggest radius=x:y:z offset support if this isn't already intended due to the possibility that an underground feature could cause the cultivator to include it and possibly stall trying to maintain an underground cavern or mineshaft below the intended farm.

MC0235 Cultivator ST does not appear to require power and doesn't appear to shut off by NOTing.

MC1238 (perfect) and MC0238 (will not NOT)

ICdocs for both:
line 3 radius=x:y:z offset
line 4 blank
ICdocs are correct

The Hydrator displays perfect function for radius value and 'x','y'and'z' offsets.
Tested by targeting a radius value of '4' within a large cultivated area and changing each offset value.
Hydration area becomes visible by contrast.
The Hydrator produced (for the test parameter of '4') a radius of (radius 4-1) a 7x7 area, which can be targeted to relative 'x' and 'z' values and 'y' values with what appears to be a (+/- 4) elevation tolerance. I don't know if this is intentional but it seems like a good idea.

The initiated hydrator is rock solid perfect at this point

MC0238 Hydrator ST does not appear to require power and doesn't appear to shut off by NOTing.

Bonemeal Terraformer
MC1223 and MC0223 (radius is broken and ST will not NOT)

ICdocs for both:
line 3 'radius'
line 4 blank

The behavior of the IC is to always use bonemeal on a (radius 10-1) 19x19 area centered on the IC regardless of the radius set.

I suggest radius=x:y:z offset support if this isn't already intended due to the possibility that an underground feature could cause the Terraformer to include it and possibly stall trying to maintain an underground cavern or mineshaft below the intended farm.

MC0223 Terraformer ST does not appear to require power and doesn't appear to shut off by NOTing.


Comment by me4502

Fix radius's

edit: Are you able to supply more details about the issue where the offset is wrong? Like a screeny?


Comment by MUDcraft

Any idea what I might look for as the cause of the planter stopping?
It has seeds and a clock pulse. I've re-set the sign a few times.
The block it stops at can change but can also remain the same between tests.
The block is not on a chunk boundary.
There is no redstone closer than 4 blocks below it.

Two screencaps coming up. One will be of the two ICs and the other will be for the resulting overlay in the field.


Comment by MUDcraft

In the screencap of the field the near edge is '-x'.
I manually hit a strip with the hoe so you can see that with the offsets in the other cap the planter lines up with the cultivator, and irrigator. Otherwise were it also set to an offset value for 'x' of 3 like the irrigator the first block of that strip would be planted.

The strip shows pretty well that the hydration of the manually hoed strip did not increase because the irrigator offset ends within the boundary of the cultivator's effect.

The signs for the planter and irrigator are both 3 blocks away from the cultivator sign in the 'x' axis.

Either the planter is +1x or the planter is not the sign but is instead the block the sign is on. That would make sense.


Comment by me4502

The planter's radius is relative to the block the offset points to. So it has nothing to do with the sign's position. So yes, that is the reason.


Comment by MUDcraft

So noted in the wiki page


Comment by me4502

Radius' have been fixed. The not stuff is intended.


Comment by MUDcraft

MC1223 and MC0223

ICdocs for both:
line 3 item to plant id:data
line 4 radius=x:y:z offset

The behavior of the IC is to always plant a (radius 10-1) 19x19 area offset by 'x', 'y' and 'z' values EXCEPT that the x value is +1 compared to the irrigator. If I set and offset for the irrigator and have a planter located a couple of blocks above it, the x offset for the planter has to be (1) less than the value for the same offset for the irrigator

and then without apparent reason it stops planting at and arbitrary but consistant block. There is nothing visibly different about this block and there is nothing above or below it that I can see that should keep it from planting.