A few wishlist items
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 5 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2293 - Reported by cravin4candy
A Clock (MC0420) that I can toggle to be active with a switch. MC1420 doesn't do that. It doesn't act like MC0420 when you flip the switch on. It only sends on pulse out, then you have to keep hitting the switch on and off.
MC1215 (Pulls blocks from chest and places them) - Allow me to choose where the block sets :(
MC1215 - Any way that I can place Redstone Dust (ID - 331:0) in the chest, and have it set the redstone wiring (ID - 55:0)?
MC1215 - Any way to get a ST version of this? So that once items are placed in the chest, it goes automatically?
Sorry if that's a lot to ask. Just throwing out ideas that I wish I could have in this plugin :D Thank you for your work!
Comment by me4502
1 - what exactly is the issue there? What's wrong with MC0420?
Comment by cravin4candy
Well MC0420 is fine, it runs on it's own. Except it can cause lag if left on. Is there a way to make it so that I can hook a lever or pressure plate to it? So that it will only send the steady pulses when activated by redstone? Right now MC1420 doesn't work that way. MC1420 sends one pulse when you flick a lever on. Then you have to turn it off, then turn it back on to do anything again.