CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Hidden switches cause crashes

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 6 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2348 - Reported by Whiskeyandcoke

When a hidden switch is built with another sign in contact with the trigger block, it causes a server crash. This is easily reproduced, although it took a lot of effort to track down because no errors are sent when it happens.

Attached are two screenshots of an X-switch I made to reproduce the glitch, with the walls set to glass to more easily see the problem. The second sign is not an IC, and the contents of it do not seem to affect the glitch at all.

We are using CraftBook 3.4.1 when this occurs, and we have tried two bukkit builds when testing for and reproducing the crash.(1.4.6-R0.3 and 1.4.6-R0.1)


Comment by Whiskeyandcoke

Not sure if it warrants major priority as we seem to be the first to have it, but it is a very odd bug and is able to be accidentally triggered by players causing many server crashes and sometimes minor rollbacks. We are currently doing more tests on it and will be monitoring this post.


Comment by wizjany

crash report...?


Comment by Whiskeyandcoke

Hold on, let me see


Comment by kory_sylvan

I'm one of the other admins from the same server Joel is; when you activate a hidden switch that has another sign in contact with the trigger block, the server freezes up and everyone loses connection to the server. One of the problems we had was that nothing showed up on the logs, so it took us a while to find the cause of the crashing. I have attached the server logs from around the time of one of the crashes caused by this bug. I teleported to the home of the person who had the hidden switch that was crashing the server, than I unvanish myself and said the letter 't'. Right after that, I activated the x switch, causing the server to freeze for a few minutes until the server restarts itself. Right after the server comes back up, I log back on again.


Comment by Dark_Arc

I cannot reproduce this crash.

I would see if one of your other plugins may be causing this. If you can still reproduce this with only CraftBook installed I'll take a closer look.


Comment by me4502

Also that isn't really a crash... the server is just taking a long time to do something.. If it was a crash, there'd be a crash report.