Improvements for chunk anchors
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2349 - Reported by Tairon96
I am using chunk anchors to keep redstone signals next to a long subway track alive. This track is interupted by a few redstone controlled stations.
Here are some suggestions for making chunk anchors a bit better (order from more to less important):
I would like to have a way to get a list of the chunks where I have already placed a [Chunk] sign. A command printing this list to the console would be handy.
An option for the anchors to react / not react to redstone signal. Sometimes I place the sign to close to a circuit and I stumble upon the anchor being turned off. Maybe a 3rd line on the sign could be used for this?
If I place a sign in an already observed chunk, I would like to have a notice about this.
Comment by Tairon96
If CraftBook would keeping track of the chunk anchors (like keeping a list of all anchors), there would be no need for searching very block nor would it cause any lag.
Anyway, many thanks for adding the option. Sometimes I build my circuits in such narrow places, I loose track which block could be powered o.O
Btw: After the server is restarted, how does it know which chunks should stay in memory?