CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Potion Inducer IC [MC1217] Effect Time

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 6 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2363 - Reported by leponder

Something changed in previous update and this IC doesn't seem to work now without the third time parameter on the third line. But what I was wondering is there a way to just have it 'on' all the time? I had created several dungeon areas with the blindness effect, but since now they all have to be timed and run out they seem kind of useless now. So this is not a bug report, more of a enhancement, like maybe not entering that time parameter or entering 0 just makes the effect stay on.


Comment by me4502

But it's not possible for a potion effect to have no time? As long as someone is in the area they will always be refilled with the potion


Comment by leponder

I was trying it with the nausea effect like this:


with an active signal going to it and nothing happens. If I enter time on it like:


it works fine for 30 seconds and then stops. Leaving the area and coming back does not make the effect happen again. It used to not do this, before the last couple of updates it would simply stay on if there was an active signal to it, that constant refilling you mentioned.


Comment by me4502

Active signal, are you giving it a pulsing or solid signal?


Comment by leponder

Solid Signal.


Comment by me4502

It needs to be pulsing unless you use a ST version


Comment by leponder

Didn't realize there was self-triggered versions of this, not sure why 1217 worked before with solid signal. 0217 works fine though, thanks :)