Gate Mechanism Refund Error
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 2 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2393 - Reported by leponder
"If you break a gate sign storing iron fences, it refunds you the same number of wood fences instead of iron. Although it also seems to work in reverse. If you have iron fencing at the top, fill it in with wood fencing, and trigger it, it'll store the fence. Trigger the sign again and it'll fill in the gate with iron fence."
This is a report from a user, when I test it I get the items back fine. Any idea what would cause this?
Comment by me4502
He must've broken the entire gate before breaking the sign, that way it was unable to know what material to give him. When we work out how to implement block bags, if block bags are used this problem will no longer exist.