New features / New ICs: Area Manipulations
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 0 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2438 - Reported by pmpmpm
I just had the idea of a thing that would be quite cool: Manipulating areas (to paraphrase the title...) like you manipulate World Edit clipboard!
So, new commands such as /area rotate [90/180/270], /area flip... When doing so, the area would be modified. So to preserve the original area, you'd have to first copy it in a new area, and manipulate the new area.
Of course, corrresponding ICs should be created.
It would allow players to enter a totally new era !.. or at least have fun with areas, and simplifying interactions between the server and the players using blocks. For example, players could create some kind of banner in a dedicated space (with wool), and you'd just have to save this area once they push the "finish" button, then you could copy and rotate the banner to print it on all the sides of an arena!
So, like this idea?