CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Calibrating ST ICs directly on the sign instead of in the config

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 5 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2461 - Reported by pmpmpm


So, the idea is simple: Apparently, we can today configure the clock rate of ST ICs in the config files. But would it be possible to do so we can directly put this clock rate on the sign?


Config line
Config line 2

With # being the clock rate.
An amazing thing would be too to add a last letter, corresponding to a different time! For example: s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours...

That's all, thanks for reading!


Comment by me4502

Err.. I am not sure about this.. Although it would be useful for servers where lag is a major concern, and someone wants a lot of ST IC's.. I'll look into this, and see how possible it is. The way ST IC's currently are done this may not be possible.


Comment by pmpmpm

It would too be cool if you only want to check things once a day! Instead of adding a massive delayer (which would be laggy since it counts up to its delay, I think), you would just have to calibrate the ST IC.


Comment by me4502

If this was done, it wouldn't be possible to do it at once per day... Maximum would probably be a few minutes.


Comment by pmpmpm

Well, anyway, that would still be less laggy than several times a second :x


Comment by me4502

This is not possible with the way the current IC system works. It would take too much effort to implement this, and even if it were implemented it would cause a severe performance drain.