CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Chestcart [Collect]/[Desposit]

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 6 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2552 - Reported by cidem

This used to work fine before.....

Cobble (4)is supposed to end up in the bottom chest... Stone (1)in the top one..
Cobble ends up in the TOP chest ... Stone doesnt get collected at all...

11:21:11 PM CONSOLE: [INFO] CraftBook version 2123-024220d


Comment by me4502

Can you please provide a screenshot of the chests?


Comment by cidem

i linked two screenshots above
what you wanna see content of chests ?
how about a video prolly saying more then static pics..


Comment by me4502

Err, it's normal for it to go into the top chest? The bug is that the stone won't go into it either. I'll look into that.


Comment by cidem

what do you mean by "normal" before i patched the version running now, this setup was running fine ... stuff supposed to end up in the lower box would be there and stuff supposed to be in the upper box would go there...
only thing that wasnt working was the "multiple items collect" ( )

so before patching to the latest version .. the "upper iron ore puts it in uppser chest / lower iron ore block puts it in lower chest" was wokring just fine ... now... with 2123-024220d ... the multiple items is fixed however the issue i was reporting appeared... so what do you mean by "normal" ?


Comment by me4502

Well the top chest is next to the cobblestone deposits rail. And it's normal for the thing to deposit next to the rail.


Comment by me4502

If it didnt do it before it was a bug