Could not pass event VehicleEnterEvent to CraftBook v2137-c1f607c causing crash
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 2 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2577 - Reported by paulj1x
CraftBook 3.6.3r3
Craftbukkit Bukkit-1.5.2-R0.1-b2771jnks (MC: 1.5.2) (Implementing API version 1.5.2-R0.1)
The following error started occurring every 10 to 30 seconds and then after about 22 minutes of these the server ran out of memory and crashed. A crash log file was created but it has a size of 0 bytes.
The pastebin is really long!
In-between these there was one case of a few more errors:
2013-05-22 19:52:55 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Connection #897 read thread"
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-21"
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at java.util.HashMap.newEntryIterator(Unknown Source)
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at java.util.HashMap$EntrySet.iterator(Unknown Source)
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at java.util.Collections$SynchronizedCollection.iterator(Unknown Source)
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at Source)
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Connection #898 read thread"
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at Source)
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at Source)
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.Packet.a(
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.NetworkManager.i(
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R3.NetworkManager.c(
2013-05-22 19:54:12 [SEVERE] at
2013-05-22 19:54:22 [SEVERE] Could not pass event VehicleEnterEvent to CraftBook v2137-c1f607c
Comment by me4502
That's not craftbook related. It's a bug in bukkit that was fixed in a build of bukkit, but still exists in spigot. If not, the error has resurfaced and should be submitted to bukkit. This has absolutely nothing to do with craftbook.