CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


Radio player ic radius not working

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 20 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2631 - Reported by luigi_vampa

Title says it all really. Not throwing any log errors and it plays fine. It just doesn't matter how far away I get it never stops playing.


Comment by luigi_vampa

Ok, just tried #2438 on build.sk89q, still no joy though.


Comment by luigi_vampa

Radius on mc1273 (jukebox) works perfectly.


Comment by me4502

Oh, I see. Because the playlists are stored in the station, it is actually impossible to have this kind of radius support for players.


Comment by me4502

After butchering the playlist system, I believe I may have accomplished this task.


Comment by luigi_vampa

Sorry, am I causing trouble?! haha
Top work on craftbook, easily one of my favourite plugins.
Just tested #2439, perfect! Thanks.


Comment by me4502

Thanks, and I'm glad it's all working now :)


Comment by luigi_vampa

Going off topic, what sort of overhead do transmitters, receivers have? I've got a build of 81 bytes of ram that has a read time from the furthest address of under 2 seconds. It's all done with trans/rec ics. There is hundreds of them though. It's fine locally but I was wondering how they'd be on a live server. Any ideas?

Thanks again. :)


Comment by me4502

When you say overhead, what do you mean exactly?


Comment by luigi_vampa



Comment by me4502

Um.. They shouldn't cause any lag at all.


Comment by luigi_vampa

Ok, shall make a few thousand then! Just noticed with the radio player (1277) that when you make 2 of them neither work and the playlist chat bar text is being repeated.
Edit: Also, if the player (1277) is turned off and on again it jumps to the next track rather than come back to the same track a few seconds later. Is that intended?


Comment by me4502

Hmm... So it acts as if you're in it twice? It doesn't play music and skips it if there are no players listening


Comment by luigi_vampa

It doesn't play music and skips through the lines of text in the playlist almost instantly. There's no song length gap between text. As well as they are being repeated twice. Here's the playlist.txt


Comment by luigi_vampa

Does it create a new thread for each player (1277)?


Comment by luigi_vampa

Sorry I'm a pain in the arse! In the playlist.txt file the line 'send [text]' that gets outputted to the chat bar isn't caught by the radius.


Comment by me4502

So it keeps playing when you get out of range? That's intended behaviour. The way it works is it sends the data to a midi parser, which sequences it per player. It doesn't know where it started so it doesn't know when its out of range.

The radius should only be for initial startups of the midi file.


Comment by me4502

Actually, after looking in the code it should already work like this. The fact that it doesn't is quite odd, as the code is completely sound. Can you please try this using the latest build in which I set it to use a different radius algorithm, and then post a screenshot of the sign?


Comment by luigi_vampa

Is that v3.7b3?


Comment by me4502

Oh, okay, I'll look into that.