CraftBook 3

CraftBook 3


MC1210 crash

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments


CRAFTBOOK-2671 - Reported by joy

This IC can be used to cause server lockups, using a very fast clock.

I know restricted IC's can generally do funky things, but not sure if causing crashes should be part of it :>


Comment by me4502

What is the crash report caused?

Do you use spigot with Netty enabled? It may be the amount of particle packets sent through Netty that causes it, not the IC in general


Comment by joy

I do use Netty yes.


Comment by me4502

If you disable netty, does this still occur? If the answer is no, this is a Spigot bug and not CraftBook.


Comment by me4502

After testing this with and without netty with a 1 tick clock and 50 of the IC, I can't confirm a lockup. It slowed down the packet queue on the netty test due to netty throttling it, but the TPS was always 20.

I am closing this issue as can't reproduce unless other evidence is provided.