User Name for area
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 29 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2759 - Reported by Fallenwarrior
My minecraft name is FallenWarrior01. I am trying to use the area sign. I can save an area, but when I do it says that is was saved for namespace FallenWarrior0 and leaves off the 1. Then when i try to make an area sign it says that it doesn't exist. I can do area list and I can see the save but it says it doesn't exist. What can I do?
Comment by me4502
There is an option called auto shorten namespaces somewhere in the config. That means it'll use whatever it can fit.
Comment by Fallenwarrior
When i did that it said my name was invalid, it had to be between 1 - 14 letters long. My name is 15 letters long. Right now I am nicked down to 6. Doesn't help. Anymore suggestions?
Comment by Fallenwarrior
I have since set it to false and it wont even let me save the area like that.
Comment by Fallenwarrior
Ok when I save an area it saves it as FallenWarrior0 door1. But that is only if we have the shorten names false. When i set it to true it wont even let me save an area. That is when it gives me the namespace error i said earlier.
Comment by me4502
So it shortens it, if its set false? And otherwise gives what error exactly?
Comment by Fallenwarrior
When i have it set to false i can save the namespace. Like if i wanted to save an area as door1. Then it would save as FallenWarrior0 Door1. Then when I try to use it, it says that area doesn't exist. If I set it to true and try and make an area it says "Invalid Namespace - Needs to be between 1 - 14 letters long"
Comment by me4502
When it says the area doesn't exist, are you using the namespace it saved it under? (Without the 1 on the end)
Comment by Fallenwarrior
you mean like door1 or putting FallenWarrior0 on the top line?
Comment by me4502
Using the latest dev build, does this issue still exist? Using a newly saved area, and the namespace that it states on the sign
Comment by Fallenwarrior
No one else on my server has to add their name if they make a sign so i wasn't either. But when i try to us the area's that saved to fallenwarrior0 by putting that name on the top line, it says that namespace doesnt exist. I can make it work like I said above so it's fine for me. And it does the same with the latest dev build.
Like i made an area door2 that saved to fallenwarrior0. When i make a sign like this
It says "The Namespace '~FallenWarrior0' does not exist"
Comment by me4502
If you look inside craftbooks area folder, is there a namespace called FallenWarrior0 with those areas inside them? Or does it create FallenWarrior01 and put the areas in that.
Comment by Fallenwarrior
It creates FallenWarrior01 and the areas are in that
Comment by me4502
This is with the namespace shortening set to true, correct?
Comment by Fallenwarrior
Correct. We had to update to the new version of cb because our gates were giving the error msg "unable to find gate" even though they were working. So we are no longer running that dev version of craftbook you said to try. Sorry, but players were complaining. We are now running 3293 not 3276
Comment by me4502
Updating is fine, I only suggested that dev build as I had made a change, and it is existent in all builds past that point. But seeing as you're on a newer build now, do you still have the issues?
(This is a reasonably difficult issue for me to test as I don't have a name which is too long, otherwise I would be doing the testing myself)
Comment by Fallenwarrior
Still nothing? Well I was just checking. I have had to have other players save me an area. Just let me know if you can figure anything out
Comment by me4502
dev build 3276 - try that. I believe it was off by 1 letter.
Comment by Fallenwarrior
I know this gonna sound noob like, but where would i find that?
Comment by me4502
Comment by Fallenwarrior
ok I haven't had a chance to put in this new jar, but as soon as I do I'll let you know if that fixed it
Comment by Fallenwarrior
ok this didnt work. but we figured out a way around it. I am doing it like this now
/area save -n fallen door1
When we installed the new version, it didnt recognize it. kept telling us to update it. let me know if we need to try something else.
Comment by me4502
What didn't it recognize? What did it tell you to update?
The fix only works for areas saved after the fix, not areas saved prior.
Comment by Fallenwarrior
The jar file wasn't recognized for some reason. But we finally got it take. After we did it kept saying for us to update to a new version. It is still telling me invalid namespace, needs to be between 1 - 14 characters. So we figured maybe we had to update it. So we updated it to 3279. I don't think too many people will be having the same problem as me. But we would be glad to do anymore testing you need. Thanks alot for helping with this. Just let us know.
Comment by Fallenwarrior
It said for us to do /cb update. I tried making an area before and then again after the update. Just saw where I forgot to say that sorry. Let me know if you want us to try something different.