Stone is a chair?
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 10 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2929 - Reported by Bill.Lott
CraftBook version 3.8-SNAPSHOT:3621
Players can sit on regular stone even though it is not set as a chair. This allows them to glitch through walls and accidentally sit IN walls.
Comment by me4502
If something that is entered that isn't an actual block/item name, mc interprets it as stone as a fallback. This is most likely what is happening here. What is in the list of chair blocks?
Comment by Bill.Lott
Comment by me4502
Are you able to test each of those block types, and the one that it doesn't work with either isn't supported by bukkit or is misspelt.
Comment by Bill.Lott
I believe I found it. Acacia wood stairs are not in the system as ACACIA_WOOD_STAIRS, because using WhatIsIt I get an item name of "Unknown"
Comment by me4502
Hrm, I'll try to find what it should be. When I added the defaults I directly copy pasted them from bukkit
Edit: it's been renamed to ACACIA_STAIRS
Comment by Bill.Lott
Actually a few of them are "UNKNOWN" in WhatIsIt. Can I just use the item ID?
Comment by me4502
Which ones are unknown? I'd recommend up dating bukkit in that case. WhatIsIt may have its own database of stuff, so it may be best to try the stairs instead of just checking WhatIsIt
Comment by me4502
Those two were added in 1.7, firstly update bukkit and rename them to ACACIA_STAIRS, but the other one should stay the same name.