/COMITEMS doesn't recognize the -w flag
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 12 comments
CRAFTBOOK-2940 - Reported by jjkrause
When trying to spawn a command-item using the /COMITEMS command, if I try to specify the world using the -w flag, I get the following message:
Command: /comitems spawn Test 0 64 0 -w TestWorld
Output: Unknown flag: w
Comment by jjkrause
Hmmm, seems like items spawned with the /COMITEMS SPAWN command cannot be picked up. It just stays on the ground when I'm standing over it.
Comment by jjkrause
Works perfectly now. Once again, thanks. You're amazing.
Comment by jjkrause
One minor issue when using the /COMITEMS SPAWN command. It always only spawns 1 item, even if the COMMAND-ITEM defined contains more than 1. Could you maybe add a quantity in the /COMITEMS SPAWN command? If no qty specified, default to 1...
Comment by jjkrause
Also, would it be possible to add a -s parameter to the /COMITEMS command to silence any output from the chat window? At the moment, every time a defined command-item snowball hits the ground and I spawn a dropped item at that location, I get the "Spawned CommandItem BasketBall at Location{world=CraftWorld{name=SportsPlex....". If it could be added for the /COMITEMS GIVE and SPAWN that would be excellent. Thanks.
Comment by me4502
Yeah, I'll add both of them. I'll make it use the amount of the commanditem, and I'll also add an -a flag which will multiply by current amount.
I'll also do the -s flag
Comment by jjkrause
Excellent. Both -a and -s work perfectly. Just a note, when I run the command with no parameters, I see -s was added in the description of the command, but there is no mention of the -a. Thanks again.