Make command shortcuts more intuitive
t-unit opened this issue · 3 comments
It is often not very easy to guess a shortcut. e.g. »c« stands for »close« while it also could stand for »create«.
Maybe it is good idea to make the commands more unique. Here is a possible list:
currently used
- close, c
- exit, e
- help, ?
- hide, h ⬅ someone could think »h« means help
- info, i (remove details)
- location, l
- new, n (remove create)
- open, o
- remove, r (remove delete)
- changename, c OR rename, r ⬅ both versions conflict with other commands
- unhide, u
already planned
- teleport, t
- nearby, n ⬅ conflicts with new
- exit-open, eo ⬅ ???
Another possible way would be to only make shortcuts for the most used commands available. But what are the most used commands?
My suggestion:
currently used
- close, cl ⬅ cl instead of c
- exit, e
- help, ?
- hide, h ⬅ someone could think »h« means help
- info, i (remove details)
- location, l
- new, n (remove create)
- open, o
- remove, rm, del (remove delete) ⬅ rm instead of r and keep/add del
- changename, c OR rename, r ⬅ both versions conflict with other commands ⬅ maybe just rename
- unhide, u
already planned
- teleport, t
- nearby, nb ⬅ nb instead of n
- exitopen, eo ⬅ exitopen instead of exit-open. This command would be very useful in most cases when creating gates.
currently used
- close, c
- exit, e
- help, ?
- hide, h ⬅ someone could think »h« means help
- info, i
- location, l
- new, n
- open, o
- remove, delete, del
- rename, rn
- unhide, u
already planned
- teleport, t
- nearby, nb
- exitopen, eo