


Add ability to toggle INFO-level messages in the console chat

samthecodingman opened this issue · 4 comments


Anyone familiar with a Minecraft server log knows that there can be thousands of random things logged at the INFO level. These can include executed commands, backup messages, updates fetched, and so on. This can easily clog up a discord with all of these messages.

Unlike the WARN and ERROR levels, which are important to keep an eye on, INFO messages could benefit from being toggled by a command. This allows you to send those messages through to Discord only when you need them without editing config.yml or performing a server reboot.

Arguably, this would best benefit users on mobile who are fixing a server bug while out and about.

Proposed Commands

General DiscordSRV Commands:

/discord consolelevel INFO // toggles
/discord consolelevel INFO on // enables
/discord consolelevel INFO off // disables
/discord consolelevel INFO <duration> // enables for given duration, e.g. 1m, 1h, 1d

Aliased DiscordSRV Commands for console chat:

!cl info // toggles
!cl info on // enables
!cl info off // disables
!cl info <duration> // enables for given duration, e.g. 1m, 1h, 1d

Example Usage

• I want to execute a backup with Essentials, making sure everything is running smoothly

// sent in console chat
discord consolelevel INFO on
discord consolelevel INFO off

• I want to edit some permissions using LuckPerms, making sure it works

// sent in console chat
!cl info on
lp user default permission set essentials.warp.pvphub
!cl info off

If this would be added, it would be key to redirect all responses to console after x seconds/minutes after a command was processed in order to correctly see the results.


@FantasyPvP That is no longer logged in the latest snapshot, which can be downloaded at https://snapshot.discordsrv.com/

thank's i'll try it out now


bumping this issue because the chat being flooded by this:
is genuinely getting annoying.


@FantasyPvP That is no longer logged in the latest snapshot, which can be downloaded at https://snapshot.discordsrv.com/