Dynmap message not being forwarded to the "dynmap" channel when specified
RocketManKian opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Hi there! So I am trying to set up Dynmap Chat to send into a specific channel but for some reason the 'dynmap' definition does not work and instead it only sends to the 'Main' channel definition which is what sends all Server Status notifications for when the Server's go Offline and Online. Channels: {"main": "734878135836868792", "global": "734878806543958058", "join": "734878806543958058", "leave": "734878806543958058", "deaths": "734878806543958058", "awards": "734878806543958058", "staff-chat": "800442685511958568", "dynmap": "734878806543958058"} As you can see here I believe it is correctly defined.
Additionally, I believe adding a 'server-status' channel definition would be extremely useful in cases like this.
Thanks for reading!
Hopefully you can help me out :)