


Adjust emoji replacement

Androkai opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Since version 1.16 Minecraft chat allows full UTF-8 range for characters. While the vanilla font still requires an update this allows adding non-"supplementary characters" emojis via resource packs.
With ParseEmojisToNames option disabled DiscordSRV removes (parts? - see screenshot below) emojis which is fine for < 1.16 servers but may be annoying if you want to show at least these common emojis.


Therefore I suggest that we add another option or switch the current one to allow the following combinations:

  • replace emojis with it's name/shortcode
  • remove all emojis
  • replace only custom emojis with it's name/shortcode and send the default ones as is

For testing configure in server.properties to add server resource pack with emoji font:


Implemented in the above PR, available since v1.23.0


It'd probably be best to have separate options for unicode emojis & custom emotes, that makes the most sense to me anyway (emojis would have :name:/hide/show, emotes would have :name:/hide).

Also side though, there could be a way to replace a custom emote with something else entirely (eg. by replacing the emotes with a intermediary such as ๐Ÿ†” and using the regex option) but would anybody even want that as a option?


Also side though, there could be a way to replace a custom emote with something else entirely (eg. by replacing the emotes with a intermediary such as ๐Ÿ†” and using the regex option) but would anybody even want that as a option?

Sounds like a lot of manual effort nobody will do.