Discord to Minecraft format messed up when playername contains a dot
Pirito10 opened this issue · 3 comments
I have this in messages.yml
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat: "&8&l»&r ᱹDA[Discord]%toprolecolor%[%toprole%] &f&l%name%&l: &7%message%"
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole: "&8&l»&r ᱹDA[Discord]&r &l%name%&l: &7%message%"
When %name% contains a dot, for example, a player is called Pla.yer, the output to minecraft is something like &8&l»&r ᱹDA[Discord]&r &l%name%&7%message%
The ':' and the space are "removed".
Happens both for DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat
and DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole
I have not tested with any charater other than the dot.
I'm not sure if it is needed for this, but just in case, this is the debug report with the issue reproduced: https://bin.scarsz.me/f5d958fe-5f26-48fb-b01d-5ec33ba87cd2#yzAPJdw5mBxcMuAmi1fHWPHCklbf5gfB
Server version: Paper 1.16.5 build 704
DiscordSRV version: 1.22.0
I have confirmed this is indeed a problem, the name is being parsed a link & the &l
before : is causing issues with Adventure's legacy serializer. Will have to look into a way to solve this
I have tested this in version 1.23.0 and no longer happens.
Server version: Purpur 1.17 build 1255