Event triggers for alerts.yml aren't working
yourlocalvirgo opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Hi! I'm having an issue where, whenever I set up an alert that's triggered by an event, it just... doesn't work. Alerts that are triggered with commands are working just fine, but event-triggered alerts just don't go through, and there's no debug information about it, either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here's one of the event-triggered alerts I'm working on:
- Trigger: AfkStatusChangeEvent
Channel: survival
Conditions:- player.world.name == "survival"
Color: "#B11515"
ImageUrl: "https://crafatar.com/avatars/${#event.getAffected().getBase().getUniqueId()}?overlay"
Name: '${#event.getAffected().getName() + " is " + (#event.value ? "now" : "no longer") + " AFK"}'
- player.world.name == "survival"
This issue is fixed on the snapshot build https://snapshot.discordsrv.com