


Ability to set some syncs as Discord-authoritative and some as MC-authoritative

srnyx opened this issue ยท 4 comments



Discord: Owner, Admin, Mod, Builder, Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1, Epic, Famous
Minecraft: Owner, Admin, Mod, Builder, Diamond, Gold, Iron, Famous

Owner - Owner
Admin - Admin
Mod - Mod
Builder - Builder
Tier 3 - Diamond
Tier 2 - Gold
Tier 1 - Iron
Epic - Iron (uses discordsrv.sync.rank)
Famous - Famous
discordsrv.sync.rank syncs to Epic role. Iron is a parent group for Gold and Diamond.

I would want all the staff syncs (Owner, Admin, Mod, and Builder), tier syncs (Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1), and Famous sync to sync Discord to Minecraft.
I would want Epic syncs to sync Minecraft to Discord.

I've tried so many things to get it to work, but it just won't. I've asked for support in the Discord but they also said that there isn't a good setup for what I wanted.

What and How?

I think something in synchronization.yml like this would work great:

# GroupRoleSynchronizationMinecraftAuthoratativeGroups: groups listed here will be authoritative over their Discord counterparts. Groups here must be in GroupRoleSynchronizationGroupsAndRolesToSync.
# GroupRoleSynchronizationDiscordAuthoratativeRoles: the same as GroupRoleSynchronizationMinecraftAuthoratativeGroups except for Discord roles. Use IDs, not names. Role IDs here must also be in GroupRoleSynchronizationGroupsAndRolesToSync
GroupRoleSynchronizationMinecraftAuthoratativeGroups: ["group1", "group2", "group3"]
GroupRoleSynchronizationDiscordAuthoratativeRoles: ["roleid1", "roleid2", "roleid3"]

Are there alternatives?

Not that I, or @Dinty1, could think of. But, I'll gladly try any ideas that someone comes up with.
No, GroupRoleSynchronizationMinecraftIsAuthoritative will not work as it makes all authoratative.


  • I have used the search at least once to check if my idea has already been suggested and perhaps already implemented.

Duplicate of #1126


Duplicate of #1126

Oh I didn't see that, hard to search for something like this lol


Yeah, it's all good though


Nice to know I'm not the only one that needs this feature. I was sadly turned down in my ticket.