


Warn users that a picture was uploaded

mistermantas opened this issue · 6 comments


This is pretty self-explanatory: images don’t show up in Minecraft but users should still be aware if something was uploaded. This feature could have a switch in the config or a command to disable/enable the messages per user.

It could be a chat message:
DISCORD An image was uploaded to #channelname

Or it could be a link to the image:
DISCORD IMAGE UPLOAD https://example.com/link-to-image


Already in v13; toggles per-user based on file upload permissions through Discord


I think an option to disable it in config should be better, this can prevent flood.

Some links has more than 3 to 4 lines.

Multiple memes can make a lot of fuz in the ingame chat.

Disable it in the discord-side will not help that much, cause it will turn more difficult to send images, and it will still have links in the chat.


Seems interesting, i dont think is that hard to be done, just make a if
if message contain "cdn.discordapp.com" replace the message with this custom json...

But i would really prefer a way to disable it.... no link for Drag & Drop images


Suggestion: Making use of json messages so the player only get an icon which opens the link if he clicks on.

Here is an example in form of a command to show how such a message could look like, just replace Androkai with your name or if you use it in a command block you can also use @p:

/tellraw Androkai ["",{"text":"Hey guys, found this epic pic"},{"text":" [","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"⎙","color":"gold","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://camo.githubusercontent.com/9cc1efdcac8dbb65b27fce0fd960e9bb306484d3/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f56544a746c6c692e706e67"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Androkai","color":"aqua"},{"text":" uploaded a picture, "},{"text":"click","color":"blue"},{"text":" to open!"}]}}},{"text":"]","color":"dark_gray"}]

The /tellraw command was added with Minecraft 1.7 so it looks like this could work for all supported versions.


Yea Androkai, its a good suggestion, but how would we use it to DiscordToMinecraftChat ?


@Scarsz any chance to solve our problem T.T ?