Synchronize nicknames between more than one guild.
andrewkm opened this issue ยท 0 comments
So that we may have nicknames synchronized on both our public guild and our staff guild.
What and How?
So, I can't seem to get DiscordSRV to synchronize nicknames on more than one Discord guild.
Bot A is on Spigot Server A
Bot A is on Guild A and Guild B
Bot A is correctly synchronizing groups between Guild A and Guild B
Bot A is only synchronizing nicknames between Guild A (not Guild B)
I'd like the bot to also synchronize between Guild B as well.
According to the DiscordSRV general channel, "it only searches in the main guild" (where global chat is defined):
Are there alternatives?
- I have used the search at least once to check if my idea has already been suggested and perhaps already implemented.
Anything else