Auto-Mute Not Removing in Proximity to Others
yesido9 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
The proximity voice chat works very well aside from a single use-case and thats me; don't know if it's because I set it up, but regardless of if I am in proximity to others, my VC doesn't get the server mute removed. I can hear players speaking, but they have to tell me I am muted or I am unaware. Any resolution for this?
What and How?
When I first join, its 50-50 on if it auto-removes the mute with other players around.
Are there alternatives?
If I am out and about, and another player comes near me, it doesn't remove it about 85% of the time.
- I have used the search at least once to check if my idea has already been suggested and perhaps already implemented.
Anything else
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