Disable More Features.
IntelloAuPimentFPVP opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I want to more customization to the plugin because i want to disable somes features, but i've even search in the config.yml, messages.yml, theses are impossible to disable.
What and How?
I want to disable the next things :
- When server is stopped
- MinecraftToDiscordChat
- MinecraftToDiscordCommand
- etc.
I want to disable everything but the start of the server.
Are there alternatives?
Maybe i've bad tried but i've tried to disable theses by leaving their messages blank, maybe do i have bad maked it. But, it doesn't has worked.
Sorry for bad english, i'm french.
- I have used the search at least once to check if my idea has already been suggested and perhaps already implemented.
Anything else
If there was a possibility to do that, i'm sorry of disturbing you.
How can I make it ? I only want a message when the server is started, I don't want others one.
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