Localize messages to Japanese
Scarsz opened this issue · 19 comments
639-1 code is ja
, need to modify util/LangUtil.java
& add appropriate resource files
Only Japanese person I know is @ucchyocean, he implemented LunaChatHook
so he'll probably be able to help out with this as his userbase coincides with ours as far as Japanese users go
Hi @Scarsz ,
OK, I understood. Leave it to me.
Any ETA for this @ucchyocean?
I'll investigate the loading issues, seems to just be a problem with SnakeYAML and Japanese characters or something
@ucchyocean Japanese translations seem to work fine for me, can't reproduce your issue
[Thu, 23. Mar 2017 15:45:07 INFO] [DiscordSRV] チャットプラグインへの接続は一つもありません
[Thu, 23. Mar 2017 15:45:07 INFO] [DiscordSRV] 色: {3498DB=, 71368A=, 95A5A6=, AD1457=, 11806A=, 206694=, 1ABC9C=, 992D22=, E67E22=, A84300=, E74C3C=, 2ECC71=, 979C9F=, 607D8B=, 99AAB5=, F1C40F=, 1F8B4C=, E91E63=, 9B59B6=, C27C0E=, 546E7A=}
Oh, really?!
In my Windows10 environment, I cannot load it yet.
Which OS did you use when checking a reproduction confirmation? Windows, Macintosh, or Linux?
Hi @Scarsz ,
I made Japanese translation resource messages.
But, something wrong. DiscordSRV cannot be loaded on ja_JP environment.
Maybe, DiscordSRV cannot handle UTF-8 encording message resource file for now.
I have to do some debug before send PR.
Is it an issue specific to my environment?
I will ask other Japanese developers to do the test as well.
Specific to your environment? Don't know but I have a strong feeling that it's not. Maybe you were running an outdated dev build of DiscordSRV?
Definitely ask other Japanese developers to test the latest dev build though.
I re-built and re-tested it, but I could not load the plugin correctly yet.
It seems that the plugin is reading the message resource file with ANSI encoding. This hinders internationalization of plugins.
I sent new pull request.
Please review this.
Go ahead and try the latest snapshot from the build server, http://scarsz.tech:8080/job/DiscordSRV/223/artifact/target/DiscordSRV-Build-13.0-SNAPSHOT-223.jar. If it loads for you, Japanese translations are good to go.