


Option to use global context for group sync

twiceineverymoment opened this issue ยท 1 comments



When enabling discord->minecraft group/role sync, the Minecraft groups are granted in LuckPerms with the context server=(the name of the server running DiscordSRV.) This makes it impossible for a Velocity proxy to pick up the permission changes as its context is always different.

What and How?

Add an option in synchronization.yml to apply the LuckPerms changes with the context "global" rather than a server-specific one, so the grants can apply to other servers and to the proxy.

Are there alternatives?

Unsure, apart from adding full Velocity support which seems unlikely.


  • I have used the search at least once to check if my idea has already been suggested and perhaps already implemented.

Anything else

No response


Group synchronization with LuckPerms setting the server=<server name> context is controlled by the vault-server option (or server if use-vault-server is disabled) in LuckPerms' config.yml

# If the vault-server option below should be used.
# - When this option is set to false, the server value defined above under "server" is used.
use-vault-server: false

# The name of the server used within Vault operations.
# - If you don't want Vault operations to be server specific, set this to "global".
# - Will only take effect if use-vault-server is set to true above.
vault-server: global