ConcurrentModificationException whilst getting total player count
Vankka opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Expected behavior
No error
Actual behavior
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] Exception in thread "DiscordSRV - Channel Updater" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at java.base/java.util.HashMap.computeIfAbsent(
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at$ConversionSession.a(
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R1.CraftWorld.getWorldFolder(
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at DiscordSRV-Build-1.26.0.jar//github.scarsz.discordsrv.DiscordSRV.getTotalPlayerCount(
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at DiscordSRV-Build-1.26.0.jar//github.scarsz.discordsrv.util.PlaceholderUtil.replaceChannelUpdaterPlaceholders(
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at DiscordSRV-Build-1.26.0.jar//github.scarsz.discordsrv.objects.threads.ChannelUpdater$UpdaterChannel.update(
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at DiscordSRV-Build-1.26.0.jar//github.scarsz.discordsrv.objects.threads.ChannelUpdater.reload(
[25.09 19:05:58] [Server] [WARN] at DiscordSRV-Build-1.26.0.jar//
Steps to reproduce
Very hard to consistently reproduce, occurs when Minecraft itself and DiscordSRV attempt to access a resource related to world folders at the same time.
Server software and version
Not required
- I am not using an outdated version of DiscordSRV.
- I asked in DiscordSRV's Discord server to see whether this issue is in fact a bug that needs to be fixed.
Anything else
Can be easily fixed by getting total player count/the world folder on the main thread