DiscordSRV uses an outdated version of the Dynmap API leading to a ClassCastException
ANutley opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Expected behavior
The plugin should not throw a ClassCastException
when loading DiscordSRV and the latest version of Dynmap
Actual behavior
The plugin throws a ClassCastException
when loading DiscordSRV and the latest version of Dynmap
[21:16:14 WARN]: [DiscordSRV] Failed to send message to dynmap: java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin cannot be cast to class org.dynmap.DynmapCommonAPI (org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin is in unnamed module of loader 'Dynmap-3.5-beta-3-spigot.jar' @5f3a226f; org.dynmap.DynmapCommonAPI is in unnamed module of loader 'Dynmap-3.5-beta-3-spigot.jar' @7b0fbfc6)
Steps to reproduce
Install both DiscordSRV and the latest version of Dynmap and a ClassCastException
will be thrown
Server software and version
No response
- I am not using an outdated version of DiscordSRV.
- I asked in DiscordSRV's Discord server to see whether this issue is in fact a bug that needs to be fixed.
Anything else
No response