Discord -> Minecraft Role Sync
clovisd opened this issue · 4 comments
Would it be possible to have DiscordSRV sync ranks in the opposite direction?
So instead of Syncing discord ranks with in-game ranks, it could sync it backwards. Taking the Discord roles and assigning ranks in game (through Vault?) based on that. Possibly setting the highest Discord rank as their primary and then all other ranks as secondary groups.
So I'm taking that is a no? Or just a 'there wasn't enough demand for a bridge in the opposite direction?" so we didn't implement it?
If so, please close this issue.
@Scarsz Just throwing it out there, allowing Discord -> Minecraft role sync allows for any discord-integrateable service (eg: Patreon) to assign roles, and therefore ingame ranks.
This is a duplicate of #326
This will be added, in DiscordSRV V2 (Eta this summer)