


Freeze on join instead of deny join

NimaWoods opened this issue ยท 0 comments



The rationale behind this suggestion is to improve player retention. The current behavior of instantly kicking players when they join can discourage them from playing. They might opt to search for another server or stop playing altogether. By freezing players upon joining, they are given a chance to remain in the server, which could potentially increase their likelihood of continuing to play.

What and How?

The proposed change would require the DiscordSRV plugin to behave differently when a player attempts to join a server. Instead of denying the join request, the plugin should freeze the player's actions. This could be implemented by modifying the plugin's code to trigger a freeze command instead of a kick command when a player joins. This would be an optional Feature to enable in the config.

Are there alternatives?

The Kick features just works fine, but I saw on other plugins that you can freeze players and deny any interaction. Maybe something similar like this could be done.


  • I have used the search at least once to check if my idea has already been suggested and perhaps already implemented.

Anything else

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