


Error catching

NichtDerBert opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hi there,
the plugin spamms the console when lost connection to discord and cant reconnect or get an unknow response, looks like this: https://pastebin.com/ni315jgh

Is there a way for you to catch this error and just output "Connection to discord lost" or something else in the console? Would be nice :) and wont spam the console.

otherwise very nice plugin


I complained to @DV8FromTheWorld about this a while ago, the current error should be a debug-level message with the error being a user-friendly one, I don't think anything's been changed though. Either way, I already did a couple things to dramatically shorten JDA's error messages completely, it'll be in v13.4 when it's released or you can get the latest dev build.


O.o when did we talk about this lol.


We didn't talk about it directly; I went to JDA's Discord server and bitched for a little bit. You only responded with one message.


I don't remember this at all to be honest. Open an issue on the JDA github.


Do a search in the JDA server from me, will show my messages from then. Haven't said anything there since.

Opened an issue though; discord-jda/JDA#304