


DiscordSRV no longer translating certain emojis

ubdeadhaha opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Expected behavior

The plugin should turn emoji codes into their proper emoji

Actual behavior

Something is causing certain emojis to not translate. I believe it may be the underscores.
Screenshot (660)

Steps to reproduce

This may be due to the underscore, I am not too sure.

Server software and version

Paper-309 MC 1.20.2


  • I am not using an outdated version of DiscordSRV.
  • I asked in DiscordSRV's Discord server to see whether this issue is in fact a bug that needs to be fixed.
  • I didn't actually check any of these things

Anything else

No response


I was able to reproduce this issue in the latest snapshot by enabling Experiment_WebhookChatMessageDelivery.
Default emojis worked but not custom emojis, including ones that contained only a-z characters.
Sending an emoji mention worked (<:NAME:ID>).


have same problem. some smiles were fixed by setting
DiscordChatChannelEmojiBehavior and DiscordChatChannelEmoteBehavior to show
but custom ones dont work, and some users still see some emojis as white square


Got the same issue, when "Experiment_WebhookChatMessageDelivery" is True, emojis dont show up in Discord. With this set to false or with the broadcast command they do show up as intented.


This is fixed by updating your plugin, LoneDev no longer supports these versions so you should update your server along with the plugin.


I was using an Experimental Build of 1.28.0 and just now updated to 1.28.0 but it still doesn't work for me :/


@Cronosus That is for emojis being sent in the opposite direction. Create a support ticket on our Discord server to discuss this: https://discordsrv.com/discord.

@0x484 The latest release doesn't have a fix for this, hence the issue still being open. Stay subscribed to this issue if you'd like updates on it.

@ubdeadhaha I'm unsure how "LoneDev" is related to this issue, perhaps you sent this comment to the wrong location?


@Cronosus That is for emojis being sent in the opposite direction. Create a support ticket on our Discord server to discuss this: https://discordsrv.com/discord.

@0x484 The latest release doesn't have a fix for this, hence the issue still being open. Stay subscribed to this issue if you'd like updates on it.

@ubdeadhaha I'm unsure how "LoneDev" is related to this issue, perhaps you sent this comment to the wrong location?

Ah wrong post, thought this was my post on ItemsAdder which had an issue with emojis!


My issue is no matter how I send the emoji, it shows the entire emoji ID:


Fixed on the latest snapshot: https://snapshot.discordsrv.com/